Pages To Bookmark¶
This page contains resources that you will need frequently. Please copy the relevant documents to your personal storage and bookmark these pages. This will assure quick access for helping your students effectively.
Student Interactions¶
- CodingNomads Learning Platform
- Discord Community, we recommend the Desktop app
Mentorship Tools¶
- Student Support Checklist
- Each of your students' Outline Report (how to find these reports)
- Each of your students' Google Photos Album for uploaded screen recordings (how to make one)
- Student Notes
- 1:1 Meeting Preparation Form
- Session Report Form
- Weekly Mentor Standup
Essential Software¶
- TopTracker
- Google Calendar with access to CN Mentorship calendar
- Zoom
- Google Photos
- GitHub
Other Links¶
- Mentorship Docs
- Google Calendar - Make sure you have access to the "CN Mentorship" calendar