Payment & Tax Information¶
This page contains information and required forms regarding tax filing status and how you get paid - hooray!
Please review the information below that corresponds with your tax status.
Please submit your 1) IRS form and 2) Direct Deposit Authorization Form to . For added security, please share these docs in a Google Drive Folder, or send via a secure file sharing system like Dropbox.
US Citizens/Residents¶
If you are a US citizen or resident, have a US social security number / ITIN, and/or you file a tax return in the United States, please complete, sign, and send to CodingNomads:
IRS form W-9 for independent contractors. Next year by January 31, if you billed more than $600 in the previous year, we will provide you with form 1099-NEC to file on your US taxes. Please be aware that in general, after your first year of contracting, the IRS expects you to submit quarterly estimated tax payments. If you do not pay estimated taxes, the IRS may charge penalties when you file your annual return. Not to be a buzzkill...but in case you didn't know! Chat with your accountant or Kim if you have questions about that.
Direct Deposit Authorization Form using the following instructions:
If you have Zelle¶
For US contractors we typically pay by Zelle ACH transfers, which are free of charge. Zelle partners with most major US banks, and must be linked to your checking account (not your debit card).
If you have a Zelle email address / phone number, please include it in the Direct Deposit Form. Zelle members do not need to provide your personal banking information in the Form.
If you don’t have Zelle¶
If you do not have Zelle, we pay by Wise ACH bank transfers, which charge the recipient a <1% fee. Please fill out all of your information in the Direct Deposit Form to receive ACH transfers.
Non US Citizens/Residents¶
If you are not a US Citizen or resident, and you do NOT file a tax return in the US, please complete, sign, and send to CodingNomads:
IRS form W-8 BEN. This form states that you:
- are not a US citizen or resident,
- do not have a US SSN / ITIN,
- do not pay US taxes, and you do pay taxes in your home country,
- and therefore you are not subject to having money withheld in the US because your country has a tax treaty with the US to avoid double taxation. Generally you can find your US tax treaty information online, or consult your tax professional if you have questions. This form does not get submitted to the IRS, rather it's a form CodingNomads keeps on file in the case that we get audited to explain why we do not withhold 30% of your paycheck for US taxes.
IRS form W-8 BEN. This form states that you are not subject to having money withheld from your paychecks for US taxes, because you meet ALL of the following:
- are not a US citizen nor resident,
- do not have a US SSN / ITIN,
- do pay taxes in your home country, and have a tax treaty with the US (most countries do). Generally you can find your US tax treaty information online, or consult your tax professional.
This form does not get submitted to the IRS, rather we must keep it on file in the case of an audit.
- Direct Deposit Authorization Form. For international contractors, we pay by Wise ACH bank transfers. Wise charges the lowest recipient fee (~1%) and offers the best exchange rates of any other service we've found.
Monthly Payment Process¶
On the first day of each month, please go into your TopTracker Invoices section, then create and submit an invoice for each of your projects for the previous month:
We will process invoices two times at the beginning of each month:
- If you submit your invoices by the 1st, you'll get paid by the 10th or sooner.
- If you submit by the 10th, you'll get paid by the 15th.
For example, for the hours you invoiced from December, you will be paid by January 15.
If you don't submit by the 10th, you won't get paid until the next month's invoicing cycle, or the month after you choose to submit your invoices.
Please help us keep this process efficient by remembering to submit your invoices, so we can pay you faster! Ultimately it is up to you to submit your invoices on time to get paid on time.
Please keep the following in mind:
- Time Tracking: Since you are keeping time in TopTracker and we have access to these time entries, you don't need to send us anything additional once we have your payment details - just the monthly invoice generated for each project.
- Hour Matching: Please make sure that the hours on your TopTracker report accurately reflect the time you worked.
Payment Support¶
If you have questions in regards to your payment, or the payment process in general, please reach out to .