Coding Exercises (Labs & Projects)

We want our students to practice coding as much as possible.

For this, we provide them with:

  • Coding Quizzes (in-course)
  • Labs & Projects (GitHub)

During your 1:1 calls, talk with your student about the code they wrote. Discuss labs and project code, ask them why they solved a challenge how they did, and give them hints about other possible solutions.

In short: Talk about code!. It really helps.

Coding Locally

Unlike most online courses, we don't put our focus on an in-browser coding environment. Our focus is on:

  • coding locally
  • coding in a real-world environment
  • training students to use all the tools and setup they will actually use

We provide some auto-graded exercises in the browser, but the Labs & Projects on GitHub, which students are meant to complete on their own local setup, are more important.

Getting The Labs

Download the labs from the in-course link provided in the course you're working with.

Getting The Projects

Some project instructions might be linked individually after a student reaches a certain section. You can either access them through the course, or download the complete repository here:

Getting Solution Code

To assist you as a mentor with providing great assistance to your students, we offer private solution code repositories:

You will need to be accepted as a contributor. If you are an active mentor and you don't have access to the relevant repo, please write to contact address for ryan.

NOTE: Please avoid giving students answers directly!

Learning new things only happens through struggle, training, and repetition. Therefore, handing out solutions will be a disservice to your students.

Prompt your students to trust the process, encourage them to keep trying themselves as well as consult Discord and you as their mentor for support and tips.

Make it clear to them that you are trained to assist them in figuring out the solution by themselves - which is the only way to increase their understanding and skills.

Getting Additional Practice

Please encourage your students to also use external coding practice tools. You may be familiar with a site that you enjoy using yourself. Introduce your student to them, form teams, and check on their progress. Whatever tool makes your student practice coding is a great addition to their learning process.

Here are a few external sites that you can consider for additional coding practice exercises:

Please add any of your own favorites via a PR. :)